Mr. B is getting old. For those of you who don't know him here's a short little background. Mr. B is an 25lb American Eskimo (dog), he's friendly, anxious, scatter brained and
lovable. We have had Mr. B for our entire
relationship. The CEO and I picked him up together somewhere west of Boston, I think. He was the cutest little dog I had ever seen. He used to hate riding in the car and threw-up in my car many times, however, he managed to get over this problem in time to be the
CEO's companion as she drove across American in her
quest to live in Hollywood. He was a very curious little guy and had to run to the apartment window in West Hollywood anytime someone was in the garage below to check out what was going on. He's always had some
funny traits: he wont step on metal grates, he hates walking through water and he gets upset at the slightest changes to his
environment. For example one time he noticed that the CEO had hung Christmas cards on the wall this of course called for a light quick step to get past the wall then some barking to let them no that he was in charge. Despite these quirks he has
successfully made the transition to five different homes with us, the addition of another dog and two kids. Now he's really slowing down, having trouble getting up and down stair and worst of all having trouble waiting to go out to relieve himself. It is quite a sad transition. Mr. B is my first dog and if I give his passing too much thought tears quickly come to my eyes. We don't quite know when he will be leaving us but when it comes, sooner than later, it will certainly leave a great big hole in my heart.