Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Boston Red Sox Did It!!!!
I wish I were in Boston to feel the atmosphere of excitement.

Which brings me to what is really on my mind. Travel to Boston. The constant battle. The reason we say we will move back. We are completely sick and tired of using up huge amounts of my vacation time every year to see family. Don't get me wrong, we love seeing family and that in a sense is part of the problem. If we didn't want trips home eating so much vacation we could simply not go but that is not going to work for us. We need to see our families and we want Daisy to feel connected to them.

The kid just wet the bed. Everyone is up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I'm glad to hear that there are others who are equally wardrobed challanged as I. Sometimes I think that it is a great thing to have such a simple wardrobe but it is when I look at family pictures thatI think "huh, wearing those clothes yet again" or " were these pictures take on the same day?" Only to find out they were taken in different years!!

Monday, October 25, 2004

There are big things a brewing in our family. I don't really know how to put 'em down in words but the CEO really does, she keeps her blog well updated.

I had a strange dream last night about a good high school friend of mine. He live out in the middle of nowhere in a huge mansion. He seemed really sad. I'm definitely making a phone call today.

I repeatedly stuff too many clothes in the dryer at one time. Now I'm stuck again waiting for my pants to dry. My entire wardrobe has been reduced to jeans and tee shirts. That is all I need to wear to work. Therefore, that is all I have. It's kind of nice but what a pain it is when I'm expected to be wearing something nice, I really don't have much that fits that description.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Go Sox!!!!

My beloved Red Sox did it!!!!!
It was a miracle. I can't believe how easily they can still draw me in to their web, usually only to disappoint. This time it was different they actually pulled it off. They were able to bring out the twelve year old in me again and it was wonderful.

On a very different note right now I'm lovin' the new single by William Shatner, yes Cpt. Kirk, he released a CD recently and the single "Common People" rocks. Ben Folds produced the CD and Joe Jackson sings with him on "Common People" it is absolutely hysterical and fantastic all at once. It must be heard!!

Friday, October 15, 2004


There's a lot to say. After nine months of blogging I still don't feel like I know how to say it. Writing was supposed to get easier the more I blogged. I really wanted to be able to put down in words the small stuff that happens in my day and some how soup it up and make it sound interesting or funny. I haven't gotten there yet, that is for sure. Mostly I just stare at the screen.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I hate going in to work on Monday and having someone asks "So what did you do this weekend?" The problem is the first person who asks me is subject to my very slow boot up cycle. After repeating "what did I do?" six or seven times I'm finally ready to share. The next person who asks doesn't have to experience this but it is that poor first person who must wonder if I spend my weekends on crack or something or maybe I just don't want to share what I do and I'm trying to make something up. I'm sure that's not the case and actually I never gave it any thought if they thought anything about it or not until I started writing this down.

I seem to use a lot of quotes when I'm blogging. I'm always wondering if I'm using them properly. Any comments from the grammatically knowledgeable?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


We met with an adoption lawyer last week and he said something that really put my life into perspective. We were talking about some of the birthmothers and how there lives are often in chaos or at least very unstable. He said something like:

"Our lives are very stable, we know that we are going to go home
to our houses, we know that we have a bed to sleep in, we know
that we are going to eat dinner. We may not know what we are
going to eat but at least we know we are going to eat."

He's very right. So I thought what the hell do I have to complain about. Poor me I'm tired and I don't have enough money to take another vacation. It's not that I'm a sad sack but sometimes I do feel like there is just not enough time in the day and I'm never going to get enough sleep. Yes, these are problems and they do impact my life but I'm going to try and act like that little self help book says "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff."

Have a peaceful day.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Sleep. Never!!!

I don't think I've gotten a good nights sleep for the past two weeks and a really good nights sleep for the past three years. A friend of mine (with one child at the time) said to me "I've determined that I'm going to be tired for the rest of my life. So I might as well enjoy the waking hours." Words to live by I thought. I spread the word to people near and far. However, I'm finding it very hard to practice what I preach.