Friday, April 29, 2005

Toothbrush Sharing.

"Go downstairs, brush your teeth and then use the potty!! It is time for bed."
Moments later she's back upstairs, toothbrush in mouth, brushing away like a little pro. The only problem is she's using my toothbrush and she knows it.
"Why are you using my toothbrush?"
She tells me it is a special night because she's going to use my toothbrush and I get to use hers. You just can't argue with someone so cute (even though I often try with varying levels of success).

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Our yard is nearing disaster alert status. Just this past weekend I was using the weedwacker as a lawn mower, for two reasons. One being that the grass is too high to cut and the second being that my old hand push lawn mower is horrible. Weeds are everywhere too. Who ever said owning a home was a good idea, maybe for someone who likes there life to be filled with labor intensive projects. Ahhhhhh!!

Have we turned the corner? The Z seems to be sleeping in more than three hour increments. Yessss! It strange though, I've sort of become used to this feeling of constantly being tired. I mean it's not like I'll miss it but it's almost as if I can't remember what it is like to feel rested. I'm looking forward to re-learning about that.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Major success story.

6:55 PM and both girls are sleeping. I rock! The CEO is actually at Hooters of all places celebrating a friends birthday. And me, well I'm sitting in front of the computer typing a blog entry, oh how exciting my life is. It is times like this when I think what harm could come from taking a walk around the block or maybe even a quick trip to the coffee shop? I'd never do it but I so want to. I mean the kids would probably keep sleeping and they probably wouldn't be kidnapped. It's just not a good idea.

So I've got the new digital camera and I thought the pictures would be flowing out of me but once again time is my enemy. I will attain my goal of a more photo laced blog it is just going to take some time, I'm very determined one this idea. I love photography and I had really been itching for a digital camera for quite a while. I hope to pepper my life with a little more artistic expression through this new camera.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Tony-C Reinvented

The Oregon Coast.

The new beginning of "Tony-C". With our new digital camera, courtesy of my job, the blog begins a new photo rich chapter.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I hate times like now, when I really want to sit and write something, yet nothing comes to me.

The CEO left her credit card out on the office desk. Had I not just found it The Kid would probably be the next most likely and we could consider it gone at that point.

I've got big changes for the blog up my sleeve. Stay tuned.

Just ran across this great blog title and sub-title while blog surfing:
-- Neglecting My Kids--
Who do you think is watching my three kids while I knit and blog and eat bonbons in front of my soaps?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Need an upgrade.

Been thinking about giving the blog an upgrade.
It's seeming old and tired and I don't want to abandon it, I just want to give it a new paint job.

Any ideas out there?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Z's Blessing.

Thank God for the Z's blessing.
Our house needs a major clean up and having all the visitors coming will force us to straighten up!

So it is officially offcial. We saw Judge Loy today and he signed the adoption certificate. I think we got some good photos of the event.

I've got so much work "work" to do it is ridiculous. I hate bringing work home! My boss is good about comp time so I'll be taking some days off really soon to make up for all these late nights I've spent on my laptop. The CEO and I are going to go visit our friends in LA with my time off. Also I got a small bonus for having a patent filed that should pay for the trip so that's a nice thing.

Gotta run. Too much to do and too little time.