Friday, May 27, 2005

Everyone left days ago. Z's blessing went off without a hitch. Unfortunately the weather well everyone was here was pretty lousy. As soon as everyone left the clouds left and the sun came storming out. Oh well.

To all those people in the Northwest who say you don't need air conditioning --- "Bite Me." We have are going on our fourth summer season and so far it is shaping up to be like all the others, pretty hot.

So I tried the free 7 day trial of the new yahoo music service. I thought it would be great they stock over one million songs that you can access without purchase. Here is a word to the wise, one million songs is not enough. I couldn't find many songs I had the desire to listen to.

So it seems The Pistol is very concerned over what social values we subscribing to as a culture. He is specifically concerned about all the reality television.
"What does it say about us?"
I'm not sure it says anything negative about us or not but I'm definitely not at the concerned level yet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Pistol and the Madre arrived today. This is the beginning of the visitors. It should be fun and probably somewhat confusing. It is only Tuesday night yet it feels like the weekend is already here. It's going to be interesting to watch the dynamics of this whole weekend.

I've had B&J's ice cream after dinner two nights in a row. It's delicious why wouldn't you eat it every night if given the opportunity?

The web is an awful thing sometimes. I've probably been sitting hear for 20 minutes and I've only written this much because every foolish idea that pops in to my head I do a Google search on. Do I really need to know about Flax?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


"Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling apart. Blah blah blah blah blah. A total eclipse of the heart."

What the heck is that all about. Why did I wake up with that incomplete sappy old top 40 line playing over and over in my head? The brain is such a strange thing.

The other odd thing about this morning is I just realized that I forgot to shave. I did my normal routine yet left out the shaving part. Why is that? What would make my brain skip what is a daily task. Maybe my body is telling my brain that my face needs a rest. Maybe not.

There are some funny words or phrases I've just thought about. Such as:
"This morning" spoken as "Thismornin"
"Cold Cuts" spoken as "Co-cuts"
It wasn't till I was older that I realized it was "cold cuts." I thought that "co-cuts" meant sliced deli meat.

Monday, May 09, 2005


We spent a nice Mother's day out and about yesterday and we capped it off with a nice slushie bubble tea. What's up with bubble tea? Don't get me wrong I do love the stuff but when did it hit the shore's of America and also when did the big name gourmet coffee shops turn into ice cream parlors? Let's be honest Starbucks has become a fancy Dairy Queen. Some of the smoothies are close relatives to the Dairy Queen Blizzard.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Doing it Old School Style.
(Click on image for larger (readable) picture)