Sunday, March 23, 2008

Come out come out where ever your are...

We seem to be in a holding pattern. We so desperately want these two little boys to arrive on their own terms and at the right time but we so want the right time to be now. The CEO and I spoke earlier about how until she puts something down in writing it often doesn't happen. She busy at her own keyboard right now. Perhaps she's asking the boys to arrive.

We are so very ready for these little guys to come. I can't wait to meet them and find out who they are.

(We've better settle on some names really quick)

Friday, March 14, 2008


Does anyone really like Snickerdoodles? In my opinion they are probably the most overrated cookie.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

So Soon.

We are so rapidly closing in on "go time" it's crazy. I know we are going to have two babies in this house very soon yet in someways it still doesn't seem real. We have prepared but not in the manner we did for either kid 1 or 2. We've manage to keep two kids alive for a combined total of 9 years, this gives us some confidence that we will do OK with these new guys.

It seemed like a nice quite morning where I'd be able to write a nice little piece for my blog. But The Kid has decided that she's going to get all up in my space. She's actually behaving very well but is just doing to much space invading. It is all a plot in which she is trying to force me off of the laptop so she can write on hear blog.