Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm sitting here doing some work and I've finally finished and I look down and my fly is open. I'm thirtyblahblahblah years old, shouldn't I have that one figured out by now. Thank God I'm at home. What's wrong with me.

I can't wait to see the Ali G movie "Borat." Check it out:

Sunday, September 24, 2006


The new TV shows are back. It was nice to have TV free time in the summer and I hope to keep my TV viewing down to a minimum this year. It is such an easy trap.

It's trash night. I just complained about that one.


TV the big avoidance tool.

Someone in The Kid's class has a nut allergy. Therefore, no nuts allowed. What's up with this nut allergy crap.?I don't remember kids dropping like flies when I was in grade school. When did nuts become so dangerous.

What's with this new show "Uggly Betty" who the hell named that one. Couldn't you just call it "Betty?"

Monday, September 18, 2006


How much trash can we generate?
Gone are the days of the shopping bag under the sink that gets put out on the curb on trash day. Now it's a minimum of one huge trash can and two full recycle bins and we probably average almost two trash bins per week. Since the coming of these kids the amount of trash flowing out of this house is a shame.
Sunday nights, trash night. I hate 'em. The night I have to collect and put out all of the trash. It doesn't take long and I'm always glad to get rid of the stuff but for whatever reason I hate it. And there is so much cardboard in our lives. I hope they are really recycling this stuff.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I know I've mentioned this topic before but I just keep getting sucked in every time I go to citysearch I have to check on the Best Pizza listings. Why? How much of my life do I need to devote to finding good Pizza. We actually have a very good place just up the street from us. Isn't that enough. Maybe I should change course and look for the even more elusive "delicious eggplant parm sub."

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Getting old or maybe just feeling old.

I threw my back out on Tuesday. I reached around and grabbed the headrest in my car and gave myself a good twist.
-Stretch, crack, pop.
I'm walking around like an old man. I can't sleep because every time I roll over my back tightens up and throbs.
Thursday: Got muscle relaxers from Doc.
Saturday: Went to massage therapist.
Feeling much better.
I didn't realize what an ass I had been. One hour at the message therapist and I felt like I had been sleeping for two days. My spirits are lifted. I'm on the road to recovery. I gotta send big thanks out to the CEO for pushing the message therapist on me and taking time off from her busy schedule so I could go. I was just so miserable prior to going I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to sleep and be left alone. Two things that are hard to come across when the house is dominated by 2 crazy little kids.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

New Blogger.

So Blogger has made some upgrades that are supposed to make my blogging more fun and allow me to simply create a more personalized web page. So I switched over to the new blogger and either I'm an idiot or I don't see any improvements.

Well, whatever...

So my in-laws were in town and the big news is that they ordered us a new washer and dryer. The CEO and I are so "Craig's List" in our large appliance shopping that when my father in-law told us that they had got us "The Duet" we just stared back at him blankly. He looked as us kind of not comprehending and said "The Duet" it's "The Duet." He might as well have been speaking Greek. Anyhow, for those of you who are like the CEO and I "The Duet" is the top of the line front loading whirlpool and we can't wait to stuff that thing full with our monster loads of clothes.