Thursday, July 27, 2006

Still here.

I'm still out here. Haven't had time to blog, been working on house remodel stuff. Trying to pull wire through the finished basement ceiling. How come using a snake and pulling wire looked so fun when I was a little kid. I remember how excited I used to get when Dad would "get out the snake."

We've got like 280 pictures from our east coast trip sitting on the camera. It's gonna be a while before those suckers are organized. The trip was huge fun and it will be great to look at the photos. I wonder how many we'll end up deleting it is always so many less than we should. The one thing missing from the trip was that my pizza consumption was not high enough. You just can't get good pizza on the left coast. Although I did split an awesome steak and cheese and an eggplant parm with the CEO.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Kid makes me so proud.

The kid has made me so proud these past few days. She really wants to be part of the family. She sincerely wants to know her cousins, aunts and uncles. There has been so much moving around and visiting and each place we go she doesn't want to leave because I think she's afraid of leaving her family behind. She's talking with everyone she meets not because her Mom and Dad may want or hope that she does but because she wants to and it is so touching for us to see. She's really trying to figure out where she is from she's asking such deep and probing questions of us.

"Where did the first baby come from?"
"What does foster child mean?"

She's asking other more complex questions to try and understand how two people who come from one persons belly are called sisters and how two people who come from different bellies can also be called sisters. It is beautiful to watch.