Recently the CEO recommended that I start using a deodorant soap. She would often complain that I smelled like "old guy" or worse "old Italian guy." I never really noticed that I was stinky until she told me so now I can smell nothing but myself and I don't like. I did buy the deodorant soap and it seems to help but sometimes buy the end of a long day not even that works. Also it seems as if I have become more odor absorbent, all I need do is walk by a greasy food joint and the smells stick to me like glue. Is it just a coincidence that I also happen to be exiting my thirties?
Odors must be made up of weird-super-powered molecules, and the worse the odor, the stronger the molecules.
I was just talking to a friend about lingering odors and how they stick to things. There's one coffee shop I love in town (well, fine there's practically only one coffee shop in town), and truthfully I'd go there more often, but even after spending five minutes there, you smell like the place (which would be fine if you came out smelling like coffee, but you come out smelling like a panini--their most popular lunch item).
I actually keep a pepperminty spray in my office in case an "odor" has visited--I have shag carpeting which yes, is a nice conversation starter with my students, but pretty disgusting otherwise. On the plus side, I think I must be immune to lots of things, because who knows what I've been exposed to--germs from the 60s are still lingering in that thing.
I was just talking to a biologist friend about dog's sense of sight and smell. My dog Mellow Yellow loves to, I guess, disguise herself in other scents. This must be some sort of survival tactic that hasn't been domesticated out. Her very favorite sticky things: rotting deer carcass and laundry dryer sheets.
But on a practical note, you could try switching deodorants. I switch once or twice a year; I just feel my body adjusts to a particular formula and isn't as effective anymore.
Well, I can hear the rain start up, looks like I'm in for wet-dog smell today,
I have three women close to me who are all as fixated on body odor as I am. In the past we've swapped smelly stories and complained about ineffectiveness of our antipersperants and deoderants. One of them bought me Arrid Extra Dry Sports Stick, which seemed to work for a while. But it's like Ka said, changing it up a couple times a year is beneficial. This way you're tricking the stink with new toxins. When the stink builds up its immunity, switch again.
I think the new deoderant soap is working much better than Dove Sensitive Skin!
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