Monday, August 29, 2005


The Kid turned four years old yesterday. She had a bunch of her friends over for a pirate party and I think she had a great time. What a whirlwind. No tears , at least I can't remember any kids crying, I guess that's a true sign that they are growing up.

Z's crying.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Sleep has finally descended upon us. The Z is sleeping through the night (11 PM - 5 AM). OK so it isn't eight hours but man it's a lot better than three. Now here we sit together as I try and type this blog and she poops and tries to eat the keyboard.

I thought their mish-mosh of body parts was so cute.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Blog Change

It has been well over a year that I've been doing this blog thing and I'm thinking it might be time for a change. The initial intent of this blog was to remain anonymous but really who am I kidding, the only people who read this thing know exactly who I am. I may have believed that in remaining anonymous that I'd be able to escape being labeled as some guy whose life is dominated by two little girls (wonderful as they are) and that I would maintain some kind of private dual life online, reporting on my hilarious life. Anyhow, I think it is time to drop the barriers and start using names and pictures. What do you think? Are you still out there? Hello.....

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Crazy, insane.

The E-Train has arrived with kids in tow and our quiet little house is full of craziness. As always we are having a blast, especially The Kid. And as always I'm extra tired now.

Why does something extra always go wrong when someone comes to visit? The damn shower is starting to leak again.

I've been consistently take the dogs out every night for a good long walk for the past few weeks. They really deserve it. It is pretty relaxing except for when they shit early in the walk and I have no place to dispose of the shit. I mean imagine if I said to you "why don't you go take a relaxing walk around the block, oh yeah and carry this bag of dog shit too." That's a good way to spoil a nice walk. Like they say: "It's better than a stick in the eye."