Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Burning Man?!?!?

So apparently the CEO is going to go to Burning Man. Yes if you haven't heard it yet it is true, she's going to be leaving me and the kids behind and going on a solo adventure. I'm excited for her but perhaps more nervous for myself. I keep saying that now I'll know what it is like when I go on business trips. The major differences being that she won't be on business and her accommodations will be a lot less luxurious. There is still a lot to do for her to get ready and there is so little time. At the moment our nights are tied up putting kids to bed and then working on making half a dozen or more Ugly Dolls for The Kid's upcoming Ugly Doll themed birthday party.

Currently life seems to be made up of negative time. I just need to get some simple stuff done like buying some underwear. It seems so trivial but when am I ever out shopping for myself. Ahhh, never. Oh yeah I need socks too. How do we ever get anything done around here. I'm amazed that we can even put dinner on the table most nights. OK I'm starting to exaggerate and ramble but perhaps I'm getting prematurely anxious about the CEO's departure.

Wish us all luck.......

I'm so caught up with all this Burning Man stuff I forgot to mention the most important event of this past week. The Kid broke her arm, well it's not offically broken nor is it offically not broken. They can't seem to tell for sure but she's in a lot of pain and is wearing a half cast that is supported by wrap. The poor little thing. She's actually being a great sport.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no the poor kid. Hope she is doing okay. Good luck without the CEO. You could always order socks and underwear online.

jb said...

Having witnessed dinner time at your house last night, it is a wonder how it all happens. I was left speechless with the buzz of activity. Kids eating dog food, kids upside down on chairs saying look at me, look at me. But, we all ate in the end.
You will be fine while she is gone. Your highly capable. Wish I could be here to help you, but then again....
Get a sitter and go buy some socks and underwear you deserve that much. Good luck.