Sunday, February 01, 2009


The CEO was saying yesterday it was much nicer when she was sitting back with her fancy coffee drink thinking about how bad this recession was becoming, yet not being part of it. Now we are in the masses of those being laid-off it and it stinks. I don't like this sort of stress, the CEO seems to handle it a lot better. Ugh...


jb said...

It's always good if one person in the family can handle stress better. You may need to draw on that later.
We are all putting out positive thoughts to the universe for you TC. Something is going to come up for you because you will not give up until it does.
It was easeir to talk about the economic mess when it wasn't affecting ones we love.

2kool4skool said...

I, too, do not function well under stress, and especially stress where I have limited/no control over the source of the stress.

This mess sucks (that's the technical analysis for the "economic downturn") but I agree with jb, something will come to you. Let's just hope it is sooner rather than later.