Sunday, July 13, 2008


You would think with the CEO and crew out of town I'd have plenty of time to blog and do all my house projects. Aucontrair my friends. I was foolish enough to think I could fit 6 year of back logged projects into two weeks. Well, I can't. Another reason why a lot of things don't get done around here is because it takes a lot of time and projects are often disruptive to the living arrangements. The countdown is on, I now have less than one week to start and finish many things. I must re-prioritize!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I liked listening to your "I don't know what to do with all this silence" on Twitter. I guess twitter is like a mini-blog? A minute by minute blog.

How many project were on your original list? How many are on your revised list?

Just curious.

Hopefully you've been able to log some hours on Project Sleep!

Can't wait to see you soon.
love, Ka

jb said...

You are supposed to be going to movies, reading, sleeping, going for bike ride, Not doing house projects! The list will always be there, the time alone well spent won't be...
You should go see Hancock. It is a good movie. Funny!
Put down the hammer.. and go out for pizza and a movie!!