Thursday, May 24, 2007


Languishing. That is what the CEO said about my blog and she is right, it has been languishing, I haven't been giving it enough attention. I think the good thing about that comment is that it shows that she likes to read my blog, I don't want to loose a loyal reader, so I need to have a routine for posting. It seems like I don't post because I don't have time, or this is what I tell myself. This simply is not true. If I analyze my day there are plenty of hours that are just wasted. The problem is, I enjoy the wasting of time during these hours. What I really want is a longer day. Well maybe not really.

1 comment:

jb said...

I might tend to agree with the CEO. You used to post some pretty good blogs frequently. This last one was good. We just need more wisdom and ponderings from Tony_C.
My blog sucks lately, so I really shouldn't berate any one else.
It takes 10 minutes to post a blog, this leaves you plenty of time to waste!
You have so much material around you,, utilize it!!!