So it has been all work and no play for Tony-C as of late. Running electrical wire, installing ceiling can lights, hanging drywall. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it does feel rewarding but man is it time consuming.
This is just one picture of many from the faerieworld festival. It was quiet an experience. We all had a great time, and The Kid had an especially great time. Although she is getting older and on the ride home, when talking about her experience of seeing the baby dragon born, she said I think that dragon was really a person inside. It's both exciting yet a little sad to see her growing up so fast.

This comment has nothing to do with this exact blog posting, however it was mentioned in a previous blog. After viewing photos that the CEO sent (which I love getting) I feel I must direct you to As your big sister I must ask - is all you own logo and tie dyed t-shirts? And that fanny pack you were wearing in Boston (I cringe at the thought of it). I am all for creative or funky dressing (I'm not suggesting khakis and a button up) - but there is a fine line between one's own style and no style (especially an outdated one). With that said I love you very much and realize with two little girls and work on the house you have a lot going on. Again I love you a lot your a great brother.
I for one look forward to the endless supply of Timberland T shirts. It's comforting.
You could shop at the Gap I suppose and look like everyone else who is trying to look different, but that just wouldn't be you. I salute your wardrobe!!
As to your blog, it is a little sad when our children start losing that child innocence and start figuring things out. I was crushed when my daughter announced there was no Santa, and then looked at me and said "and I know you are the tooth fairy." It was a sad day as a mother..........
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