There are big things a brewing in our family. I don't really know how to put 'em down in words but the CEO really does, she keeps her blog well updated.
I had a strange dream last night about a good high school friend of mine. He live out in the middle of nowhere in a huge mansion. He seemed really sad. I'm definitely making a phone call today.
I repeatedly stuff too many clothes in the dryer at one time. Now I'm stuck again waiting for my pants to dry. My entire wardrobe has been reduced to jeans and tee shirts. That is all I need to wear to work. Therefore, that is all I have. It's kind of nice but what a pain it is when I'm expected to be wearing something nice, I really don't have much that fits that description.
Go go Sox!!!
Yippee for all the news that's brewing in the family!
Last night I filled out a betting form for when our friends' baby will be born (and how big he/she will be, what time the birth will be, gender etc.)--All this baby stuff is pretty exciting!
As far as wardrobe goes, I hear ya. I used to be a skirt kinda gal--always a bit dressed up, looking neat. Now, I'm Miss Slouchy. I wear jeans at least part of everyday. Unfortunately (and ironically) I have to dress up a bit to teach at the community college...and it's WORK to pull together outfits twice a week (I fear repitition). And the students are sassy--on one of those Rate-Your-Prof websites they made fun of my friend's outfits (well, okay, maybe it's true no one should wear sweater vests...but still!)
Oh! Tony C, I keep forgetting to update you on our political barber. REcently he has handmade signs posted saying: FOUR MORE WARS. Or VOTE BUSH OR DIE (this second one after Cheney made his comment that a vote for Kerry is a vote for terrorism). He also sometimes puts out one that reads: WELCOME BACK, HOOVER. The thing is, I think all of this confuses people (especially the people who don't know that he supported Kucinich). But the hubby and I get a big kick out of it and the dog shows her approval by never peeing by his shop.
Anyways, for all you Kalamazooians: GO WILBER!
love, Ka
I think the t-shirt trap is a tough one to escape. For the last 3 months I have been fighting against my habit of dressing exclusively in SAHM (Stay At Home Mom)garb. The truth is, I actually love clothes, and I feel good feeling stylish. But more often than not, comfort and practicality win out! Let's face facts: how fashionable can one really be with dried (or worse, still wet) spit up on one's shoulder?
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