Sunday, May 28, 2006


We were married and living in sunny SoCal for about five years before we had kids. Why were we tired? What were we busy doing? Who were we and who have we become?

If anything food should be organic it should be a mushroom.

Soparanos rocks:
I love Paulie Walnuts. "My motha's a whowa!"

Kids are back. More later.....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Am I really Sirius about this thing...

So I've got Sirius Satellite Radio. Yeah my guilty pleasure is Howard Stern, I don't feel so bad about it anymore after seeing Ira Glass speak about how he rushed out and got Sirius right away so he could keep listening to Howard. So I feel that it puts me in good company. Anyhow, I keep debating whether I should keep this thing or not. Sometimes I feel like it is just another subscription service and why should I have yet another when I've already got cable and DSL etc.. and the radio device isn't that great either. With traditional radio I can be anywhere in the house and turn on a radio and get the station I was just listening to downstairs or in my car or whatever. With this thing I'd have to wire the whole house if I wanted to pipe it into any room. God knows that's not happening anytime soon. Then the other thing that kind of bothers me is that they play all this great public radio stuff from stations across the US, how are those stations suppose to make money off of me. What I'm saying is that why would I give to my local public radio affiliate anymore. I'm not listening to any of their programming, where is their cash stream going to come from. I know the satellite radio market is tiny and probably currently has no impact on the locals but what if it does someday. Then am I just part of the problem that is making America this giant homogeneous place where everything is the same no matter where you go?


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Birth order smirth order....

I always find birth order research and findings interesting. Of course this article may just provide more information for the "firsties" to think they are the best.

Does Birth Order Determine Success?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Growing up I loved watching Doug Henning Magic specials on TV. When David Copperfield came along I had kind of lost interest. Then David Blaine came along much latter and I saw him a couple of times and thought his tricks were amazing and his low key "man on the street" style made them even better. But now he's doing more and more of these strange stunts that I don't really call "magic tricks." The CEO and I watched him jump on to a pile of cardboard boxes from some ridiculous height from which he had spent the last week or so standing on. Now he's spending nine days submerged in water then he's going to hold his breath for nine minutes while escaping from chains for the grand finale.

Why do I love magic so much?
And why do I care what David Blaine is doing?