Monday, June 07, 2004

I've been listening to internet radio a lot at work. I recently tried to shift back to FM on my ride home. Usually I listen to NPR on the way home and H. Stern on the way in. Anyhow, I tried to listen to some music on FM radio what a disaster. What the hell is going on out there. On the internet I mostly listen to they are a great L.A. public radio station and they have an all music portion to their web site and I listen to I get to both of these stations through the I-tunes player. The I-tunes player is pretty cool, they have done a nice job in breaking down a lot of free internet radio into different genres and you just click and listen.

I haven't spent much time thinking about my lists of favorites. When I start to think about it I just draw a big blank. Maybe I wont list my favorites or perhaps my favorites of things that have little importance such as soap. We use Dove for sensitive skin at home and I do like it, however, I think my all time favorite is Ivory soap. I always felt like it never left any sort of residue. Also, it is 99 44/100% pure which is not only the make up of its purity but is the combination to enter Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. To this day I'm still amazed at the year book quotes that Shannon and I wrote in our high school year books. She wrote "Schnozberry who ever heard of schnozberry." This is what Veruca Salt says to Willy Wonka when they are licking the wall paper. I wrote "We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams," which is how Willy Wonka responds to Veruca. It just seems so odd. Doesn't it? I generally don't believe in things like fate but I just find this coincidence to be too strange to chalk up to anything else. Now they are going to go ahead and remake the master piece. I'm sure Tim Burton and Johnny Depp will do a wonderful job, but I'm also sure that it will be a darker movie. I think the real issue I have with it is that the original is so damn good why, why would you do it over. How about a special re-release. Hollywood, the bastards.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I never knew that about your yearbook quotes--that's pretty amazing!!!....!!!

Yah, as much as I like the Burton / Depp combo...the original was perfect--that granpa really is so sad and sweet. Will the remake be darker? Maybe...but I do think the original was pretty dark...I wonder if the remake will just be darker in a more obvious way. Certainly we seem to want to be a less subtle society.

And Hollywood...why remake The Stepford Wives? My bleep the original stunk and I don't have much hope for the remake. My husband thinks there will be an alien component to the new one (b/c the trailer shows the "woman" on the table with X-file alien eyes) so who knows.

I have this little dream about owning a small-town movie house--and we'd show re-releases (gee it was thrilling to see The Wizard of Oz on the big screen a few years ago). And have special Halloween features and show independent movies and not charge $4 for a bag of popcorn it took 4 cents to make!! And real butter people! (not that I personally go for butter).

Well, I'll be thinking about the strange forces that brought my sister-in-law to my brother and vice versa all day.

Out, Ka

Anonymous said...

I love the all-Slim Gaillard, all-the-time station on internet radio. McVouty and voonareenimo! I'm kind of obsessed with Slim Gaillard. I even own all these old Slim Gaillard 78s, like the complete Opera in Vout, that I can't play because my turntable only plays LPs. Sha should play a Slim Gaillard song for her music class. "Laughing in Rhythm" would bring the house down. There wouldn't be a diaper in sight that wouldn't need some fast freshening.

I'm with you on the Chuck and the Choco Factory original, though the Oompa Loompa song is the most horrifying five minutes in cinema history. Thinking about that scene is the closest I'll ever come to having a 1960s acid flashback.

My yearbook quote was: "When things breakdown, I just step outside the pocket and do the boogaloo." -- Fran Tarkenton. Pretty lame. You guys had much cooler quotes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to biG a Slim lyric appears in my latest poem.


2kool4skool said...

I didn't know that about the yearbook quotes, either. Sounds like kismet to me.
My yearbook quote was "You only live once. But if you live right, once is enough." W.C. Fields.
Tony C., you should know that as a direct result of this particular blog topic, I, too, am realizing my dream of sharing the flotsam and jetsam of my brain with the world. "How is that connected to the topic of yearbook quotes?" you may query. Well, if I could do it over again, my quote would be "Where am I going? And what am I doing in this handbasket?" which I also realized would be a great title for my blog. So, feel free to visit "What am I doing in this basket?" at

Peace out.