Thursday, June 10, 2004

Our damn mini-van still isn't registered. I tried to avoid going to the DMV as best I could. We paid some crappy service $55 dollars to do everything for us. Now they are telling me they have done all they can, submitted all the correct paper work and I've got to figure out the rest. The DMV sent us an incomplete registration without any paperwork, the service is like "huh..never seen that before." What am I supposed to do with this crap. I'm going to the DMV before work today. Wish me luck! I think I'll ask for my $55 dollars back.

The paperwork has just gotten out of control. Sometimes I feel like we are running a business not a family. All the bank stuff for the house and all the insurance paperwork is just overwhelming. We got some medical bills that our insurance mistakenly didn't pay. I contact them and they say "we'll try to resolve this if it isn't resolved in 60 days please call us back." Meanwhile I keep getting nasty letters from the medical providers asking that we promptly pay up. Keeping track of all this stuff, forget it, it's a nightmare.

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