Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I was afraid to log on to my blog. I thought maybe I had missed a whole month and I think that would have been a first. This entry just makes it in under the wire. There is actually a lot to write about. My new job and the events leading up to me deciding to take it. Lots of fun and madness with the kids. But I'm not going to write about any of that stuff.

I'm going to start taking guitar lessons. Targeting next week for lesson number one. It was in second grade that I declared to my mother that I wanted to take lessons. She didn't say no but what she did say was "If your are still interested in taking lessons when you are in third grade then you can." To her credit when third grade rolled around she asked me if I was still interested and I said no. This decision has bothered me for my whole life and I'm finally going to do something about it. So I'm taking my tin ear and bad timing to a pro and hoping that with some coaching and a lot of practice he can help to locate the "Guitar Hero" in me. ROCK AND ROLL!


2kool4skool said...

Rock On!

(BTW, I, too have always wanted to learn to play guitar; looking forward to hearing how your lessons go.)

jb said...

Yay for You!! That is awesome. Way to do something for yourself too..that is the important part.
Rock on Tony C!

Anonymous said...

Well, Mom's response was better than the one the Pistol gave me when I told him I wanted to take acting, he kind of guffawed and didn't exactly say no either, instead he said, "It didn't do your sister or brother any good." What does an 11 year old say to that? I still remember when, TC, you were rain in a play at Quannapowitt and got to wear taps on your shoes.

So, what's the first song you're going to try to conquer? Lola? Junk Food Junkie? Rock and Roll Radio?

Rock it all the way to the bleachers--or from the basement up to the rafters.

And remember this when you give your own kids perfectly reasoned, logical yet unpassionate answers to their desires.

Love, Ka