Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Hodge-Podge (sp?)
Strange word isn't it.

Anyhow, Pistol and the M-O-M arrive today. No huge plans but lots a little ones, it'll be a busy time.

Almost ran out of soap in the shower. I hate working with that tiny little piece especially when it is on the verge of disappearing. I also hate going down to the basement to haul up more soap. Hate is a pretty strong word. Maybe I'm overstating my feelings towards the whole soap thing.

Worked very late in the evening last night and had to set the alarm to buzz me awake instead of using the radio. That sucked. I hate that buzzer. The radio is great because it puts me in a wonderful awke/dream state until the person next to me gives me a nudge and then I get up. It is a great way for me to wake up but it stinks for the CEO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I remember learning this one lesson from childhood so distinctly: I was playing with our neighbor (for all you Reading-ites, the one who stayed bald until 2) when her mom overheard us using the word hate and told we may dislike things a lot but that hate is a very strong word we should use sparingly--I pretty much adhere to that...but somedays it's really okay to hate that small sliver of soap in the shower, the last little bit of toilet paper when no extra roll is in sight, etc.

Well, concerning the subject of the previous blog...I do check in often...because I have to be online a lot and this is one of the pure pleasures for anytime there's a new entry I'm thrilled, but if there's not...I just try to keep on hanging on!

love, Ka