Saturday, April 23, 2005

Major success story.

6:55 PM and both girls are sleeping. I rock! The CEO is actually at Hooters of all places celebrating a friends birthday. And me, well I'm sitting in front of the computer typing a blog entry, oh how exciting my life is. It is times like this when I think what harm could come from taking a walk around the block or maybe even a quick trip to the coffee shop? I'd never do it but I so want to. I mean the kids would probably keep sleeping and they probably wouldn't be kidnapped. It's just not a good idea.

So I've got the new digital camera and I thought the pictures would be flowing out of me but once again time is my enemy. I will attain my goal of a more photo laced blog it is just going to take some time, I'm very determined one this idea. I love photography and I had really been itching for a digital camera for quite a while. I hope to pepper my life with a little more artistic expression through this new camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm sure it must be so tempting to parents, when the bambinos are zzzzing, to go for a little walk...but I guess something in them prevails (the "I'd never do it" reflex kicks in). It's amazing. And that's what makes good parents, huh? I think some of you know that my Chief Executive Other works at a hotel and he and a co-worker once found a baby alone, crying in one of the rooms. It was a very tragic scene. Yes, nothing happened, exactly...but nothing didn't happen either. (Well, especially since my hubby called the cops). Sorry, this is a sad story.

It's in the air I guess--we just had snow--it stayed around for a day or so!
