Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Yahoo! News - CBS Newsman Mike Wallace Issued Summons

Yahoo! News - CBS Newsman Mike Wallace Issued Summons: "'60 Minutes' correspondent Mike Wallace, who was placed in handcuffs and taken to a police precinct in a dispute with city parking enforcement inspectors, says he wonders why anyone thought that he, at 86, was a threat."

OK, so this might not seem like my regular blog entry but I'm experimenting. I added the Google toolbar to my browser and it has a button called "blog it" and if I like some web page I see that I'm on I just click this button and it creates a blog entry. It also imports any text from that web page that I have hi-lited. This seems like it might have some cool uses. We'll see. I' probably stick with the blogging I've always done, for the most part. And there is also the fact that this seems like a pretty funny story.

Oh yeah, I did see that the Radiers of The Lost Ark scene for scene remake was recently show at Coolidge corner in Cambridge MA. I hope it gains more momentum.

1 comment:

Shannon Brazil said...

Poor Tony C
Ka is in the midst of moving
biG is in Berkeley writing
Sad has nothing to say
(Ode to 2Kool)