Thursday, May 27, 2004

Lunch time at work. Seems like a good time to blog. I generally eat at my desk doing work or surfing the web.

"Urgent action is needed to tackle the alarming increase of obesity levels..."
"European legislation would be needed to impose an effective ban on junk food advertising..."

I just pulled those two quotes off of the web from Google News. This whole obesity epidemic is very interesting to me. It seems that news about obesity is everywhere. I hope this is the first step in conquering this problem. Ever since I read Fast Food Nation I have spent a lot more time thinking about what I eat and getting grossed out by it. I think a lot of my blog posts have shown this to be the trend. It just seems wild that we as humans are eating ourselves to death. It's gross. I seem to have specific weaknesses like potato chips. If they are in the house I'll chow down. Thank God they are hardly ever in the house.

I remember in high school it seemed so important for me to know my favorites. Such as: my favorite band (U2 at that time), favorite movie, favorite food etc... It was as if I didn't have a favorite then there was something wrong with me. Why were we so passionate about things like this back then? What the hell am I writing about this is ridiculous. I think I have writers "blog" and I'm just writing for the sake of writing. Probably not a bad thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I know of some adults who still entertain top five lists etc....
actually my friend Coach was just recently asked to name his wife's favorite
color, her favorite food and I dunno some other random stuff. (Really, her
favorite color is obvious--like it is for most blue people--and we did make fun of Coach a bit for not knowing it) but who could name someone else's favorite food. The question is too general....

Speaking of food...what's you recently said the biggest prob with The Kid is food...what exactly? pickiness? (this seems to be a common problem for young ones). I think I've already announced to the blog that my nephews eat a lot of fast food--it's so disturbing to me--I mean, yes, obviously it's disturbing as a vegetarian but really my greatest worry is all the nutrients they're missing out on! I don't remember being a fussy eater as a kid...I'll have to check in with W-O-W to see if that's true...but I remember eating veggies every night (though, admittedly those memories are when I was older than The Kid is now).

Well, I sure am glad you expanded the comments section--this is great.

Oh and as a final comment on favorites...we can't stop listening to the last Johnny Cash album over here. seriously, if you have not listened to it yet, get to a record store pronto.

love, Ka